Sonder Under Wraps: Studio Tanda

This week, we’ve had the opportunity to caught up with Tika AND Andre the founder of Studio Tanda to Get To Know more about their personality.

  1. Short introduction about yourself!

Studio Tanda is a small local business based in Bali. Tanda is actually a letter play for T-and-A (Tika AND Andre). We are a designer and painter duo who enjoy pursuing concepts, wisdoms, shapes and meanings from our daily life and translate it into a unique piece of jewelry.

  1. How would you describe yourself in 5 words?

We just love to eat.

  1. What is your greatest strength or weakness?

We have really good time management skills. And our weakness is we spend money on things we don't need (oops!) but we are working on that!

  1. What is your spirit animal?

Dragons and unicorns!

  1. What’s the most interesting thing you’ve read or seen this week?

Heri Dono's interview on Youtube, such an inspiration!

  1. What do you like doing in your spare time?

I (Tika) basically like to make a tiny version of Andre's painting and Andre love love love to read.

On weekends, we would take full advantage of living in Bali: Beaches and mountains!

  1. Which fashion item or trend do you wish would disappear forever?

None! We see fashion as an expression, statement and have its own personality. We love how everyone is unique and has their own take on things. Nothing that makes someone feel comfortable and confident should go :)

Discover the full collection from #STUDIOTANDA on our website at